
Sorry I've been so quiet here lately, except for sermons.
Here are some quotes I shared on about the upcoming Holy Trinity Sunday:

Greetings! Holy Trinity Sunday is fast approaching. It has been a long time since I have contributed to the community forum. In the interest of changing that trend, here are some fruits of my reading this week.

In the past few months, I have been writing my sermons mostly on Saturdays, and then I feel foolish sharing something on this forum at the last minute. But, perhaps Saturday postings would not be inappropriate, as some of us take another look at our sermon on Saturday, and (gasp!) do a final revise early Sunday morning. I know that, no matter how prepared I am to preach, I am up at 4 AM Sunday mornings. It’s my preparation routine.

David Burrell, in The Christian Century, May 15, 2007, p. 31: “The philosopher C.S. Pierce [sic – the correct spelling is ‘Peirce’] taught me that conversations need to happen in threes. Bipolar relationships can get stuck. Why else do we have marriage counselors? You need a third party.”

Kathleen Norris, Amazing Grace, p. 291: “I happened across a metaphor for the Trinity, in Tertullian, of all people, arguably the most curmudgeonly theologian of all the curmudgeons of the early church. It’s an image of the Trinity as a plant, with the Father as a deep root, the Son as the shoot that breaks forth into the world, the Spirit as that which spreads beauty and fragrance, ‘fructifying the earth with flower and fruit.’”

On the connection between Easter and Pentecost, still applicable to Holy Trinity Sunday, Jurgen Moltmann, The Spirit of Life, p. 16: “To recognize the risen Christ and to experience the energies of our own rebirth in the Spirit of the resurrection are one.”

Moltmann, The Trinity and the Kingdom, p. 57: “God loves the world with the very same love which he himself is in eternity. God affirms the world with the energy of his self-affirmation. Because he not only loves but is himself love, he has to be understood as the triune God. Love cannot be consummated by a solitary subject. An individuality cannot communicate itself: individuality is ineffable, unutterable. If God is love he is at once the lover, the beloved and the love itself. Love is the goodness that communicates itself from all eternity. The theology of love is a theology of the Shekinah, a theology of the Holy Spirit. This means that it is not patriarchal, but rather feministic. For the Shekinah and the Holy Spirit are ‘the feminine principle of the Godhead.’”

Robert W. Jenson, Sytematic Theology, vol. 1, p. 158—“For the whole divine life begins with the Father and is actual through the Son and is perfected in the Holy Spirit.”


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